Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Thematic Index

Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Thematic Index
absence \ abuse, verbal
see malice; slander
\ accidents
see under misfortune
\ action and consequence \ action and inaction
see also words and deeds
\ adversity
see also good fortune
\ advice \ age
see middle age; old age; youth
\ agreement
see under harmony and disharmony
\ ambition \ anger \ animals \ anticipation
see expectation
\ appearance \ appearance, deceptive \ appearance, significant \ army
see under soldiers
\ assistance \ associates
see also example, good and bad; friends
\ badness
see good and evil; wrong-doers
\ beauty \ beginnings and endings
see also finality
\ behaviour
see conduct; human nature
\ bigness
see under great and small
\ bird lore \ blessings \ boasting \ boldness
see also courage
\ borrowing and lending \ bravery
see courage
\ brevity and long-windedness \ bribery and corruption \ business \ busybodies
see also eavesdroppers
\ buying and selling
see also business
\ calendar lore
see also weather lore
\ caution
see also discretion; risk
\ certainty and uncertainty \ change
see also constancy and inconstancy; innovation
\ character
see human nature
\ charity \ children \ children and parents
see also family
\ choices
see also decision and indecision
\ Christianity \ circumstances \ civility
see manners; politeness
\ cleanliness \ clothing
see dress
\ coercion
see free will and compulsion
\ coincidence \ common sense
see under discretion; prudence
\ company
see associates; friends
\ compassion
see pity
\ compulsion
see free will and compulsion
\ concealment \ conduct
see also politeness
\ confession \ conscience \ consequences
see action and consequence
\ constancy and inconstancy
see also change
\ content and discontent \ co-operation
see also assistance; reciprocity
\ corruption
see bribery and corruption
\ courage
see also boldness
\ cowardice \ credulity
see trust and scepticism
\ cunning
see guile
\ curiosity \ danger
see peril
\ death \ deception
see also guile
\ decision and indecision
see also choices
\ deeds
see action and inaction; words and deeds
\ democracy
see equality; rulers and ruled
\ deserts
see just deserts
\ desire
see wanting and having
\ despair
see hope and despair
\ desperation
see necessity
\ destiny
see fate and fatalism
\ destruction \ diet
see food and drink; health
\ difficulties
see misfortune; trouble
\ diligence \ disappointment \ discipline \ discretion
see also caution
\ dishonesty
see under honesty and dishonesty
\ dissimilarity
see similarity and dissimilarity
\ division
see unity and division
\ doctors \ dreams \ dress \ drink
see under food and drink
\ drunkenness \ eavesdroppers \ economy, false
see meanness
\ education
see learning; nature and nurture
\ efficiency and inefficiency \ employers and employees \ ends
see beginnings and endings; finality
\ enemies \ Englishness
see national characteristics
\ entertaining
see hospitality
\ environment \ envy
see content and discontent; malice
\ equality \ error \ evil
see under good and evil
\ example, good and bad \ exception
see under rules, general
\ excess \ excuses \ exercise
see under health
\ expectation
see also disappointment; hope and despair
\ expense
see under getting and spending
\ experience \ extravagance
see under getting and spending
\ fair dealing \ faith \ faithfulness
see under constancy and inconstancy
\ fame and obscurity \ familiarity \ family
see also children and parents
\ fashion
see innovation; novelty
\ fate and fatalism \ fickleness
see under constancy and inconstancy
\ fiction
see reality and illusion
\ fighting
see warfare
\ finality \ finds
see under gains and losses
\ folly
see fools; stupidity
\ food and drink
see also health; hunger
\ fools
see also stupidity
\ foresight and hindsight \ forgetfulness \ forgiveness
\ - to err is human
\ fortune
see good fortune; misfortune
\ free will and compulsion \ friends
see also associates
\ futility
see also possibility and impossibility
\ future \ gains and losses
see also winners and losers
\ - finders keepers
\ garden lore
see also weather lore
\ gentleness \ gentry \ getting and spending
see also money; thrift
\ giving and receiving \ good and evil \ good fortune
see also blessings
\ good things \ government
see politics; rulers and ruled
\ gratitude and ingratitude \ great and small \ greed \ guile
see also deception
\ guilt
see conscience
\ gullibility
see under trust and scepticism
\ habit \ happiness \ harmony and disharmony \ haste \ hatred
see malice
\ health \ help
see assistance; reciprocity
\ heredity
see family
\ hindsight
see under foresight and hindsight
\ hints \ history
see also past
\ holidays
see recreation
\ home \ honesty and dishonesty \ honour \ hope and despair
see also disappointment; optimism
\ horse lore \ hospitality \ houses
see home
\ human nature
see also nature and nurture
\ hunger
see also food and drink
\ husbands
see wives and husbands
\ hypocrisy \ idiosyncrasy \ idleness \ ignorance \ illusion
see under reality and illusion
\ illustration \ imitation \ impatience
see patience and impatience
\ impossibility
see possibility and impossibility
\ improvement \ inconstancy
see under constancy and inconstancy
\ indecision
see decision and indecision
\ independence \ industriousness
see diligence
\ ingratitude
see gratitude and ingratitude
\ injustice
see justice and injustice
\ innovation
see also change; novelty
\ intentions \ interference
see busybodies
\ intimacy
see familiarity
\ just deserts
see also retribution; revenge
\ justice and injustice
see also fair dealing; law and lawyers
\ justification
see under excuses
\ knowledge
see learning
\ lateness \ laughter
see under merriment
\ law and lawyers \ laziness
see idleness
\ learning \ lending
see borrowing and lending
\ lies
see lying
\ life \ loans
see borrowing and lending
\ long-windedness
see under brevity and long-windedness
\ losers
see under winners and losers
\ loss
see under gains and losses
\ love
see also marriage
\ love, blighted \ love, prosperous \ luck \ lying \ malice \ manners \ marriage
see also love; weddings; wives and husbands
\ marvels \ masters and servants
see employers and employees
\ meanness \ means
see ways and means
\ men and women
see also marriage; wives and husbands
\ merriment \ methods
see ways and means
\ middle age \ mischief
see good and evil; wrong-doers
\ misfortune
see also trouble
\ - accidents will happen
\ mistakes
see error
\ moderation \ money
see also getting and spending; just deserts
\ mortality \ murder
see violence
\ national characteristics \ Nature \ nature and nurture
see also human nature
\ necessity
see also pragmatism
\ neighbours \ news \ novelty \ obedience \ obscurity
see fame and obscurity
\ observation \ obstinacy \ old age \ omens
see also superstition
\ opinions \ opportunity \ opportunity, missed \ opportunity, taken \ opposites \ optimism \ orderliness \ origins \ past
see also history
\ patience and impatience \ peace \ peril \ perseverance
see also persistence
\ persistence
see also perseverance
\ persuasion
see tact
\ pity \ politeness \ politics \ possessions
see property
\ possibility and impossibility \ poverty \ power \ pragmatism
see also necessity
\ pride \ procrastination \ professions
see trades and skills
\ property \ prosperity
see good fortune
\ providence \ prudence
see also caution; thrift
\ public opinion
see also reputation
\ public relations \ punctuality \ quarrelsomeness \ rain
see under weather lore
\ reality and illusion \ reciprocity \ recreation \ regrets \ reputation \ retribution \ revenge \ rewards
see just deserts; money
\ riches
see also money
\ risk
see also caution
\ rules, general \ rulers and ruled \ rumour \ safety
see security
\ seasons
see calendar lore; weather lore
\ secrecy
see concealment
\ security \ self-help \ self-interest
see self-help; self-preservation
\ self-preservation \ separation
see absence
\ servants
see employers and employees
\ silence
see speech and silence
\ similarity and dissimilarity \ slander
see also malice; rumour
\ sleep
see health
\ smallness
see great and small
\ society \ soldiers \ speech and silence \ spending
see getting and spending
\ staying power
see perseverance; persistence
\ strength and weakness \ stress \ stupidity \ success \ superstition
see also dreams; omens
\ tact \ talkativeness
see speech and silence; words and deeds
\ taste \ teamwork
see co-operation
\ theft \ thrift \ tidiness
see orderliness
\ time \ tolerance \ trades and skills \ travel \ trouble
see also misfortune
\ trust and scepticism \ truth
see also reality and illusion
\ uncertainty
see certainty and uncertainty
\ unity and division \ value \ variety \ villainy
see wrong-doers
\ violence \ virtue \ wanting and having
see also greed
\ warfare \ waste \ ways and means \ weakness
see strength and weakness
\ wealth
see riches
\ weather lore
see also calendar lore
\ weddings \ wilfulness
see obstinacy
\ winners and losers
see also gains and losses
\ wisdom \ wishes
see under wanting and having
\ wives and husbands
see also marriage
\ women \ words and deeds \ work
see also diligence; trades and skills
\ worry
see stress
\ wrong-doers
see also error
\ - to err is human
\ youth

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