- Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Thematic Index
- absence
abuse, verbal
see malice; slander\ accidentssee under misfortune\ action and consequence \ action and inactionsee also words and deeds\ adversitysee also good fortune\ advice \ agesee middle age; old age; youth\ agreementsee under harmony and disharmony\ ambition \ anger \ animals \ anticipationsee expectation\ appearance \ appearance, deceptive \ appearance, significant \ armysee under soldiers\ assistance \ associatessee also example, good and bad; friends\ badnesssee good and evil; wrong-doers\ beauty \ beginnings and endingssee also finality\ behavioursee conduct; human nature\ bignesssee under great and small\ bird lore\ - the robin and the wren are God’s cock and hen; the martin and the swallow are God’s mate and marrow\ blessings \ boasting\ - talk is cheap\ boldnesssee also courage\ borrowing and lending \ braverysee courage\ brevity and long-windedness \ bribery and corruption \ business\ - business is war\ busybodiessee also eavesdroppers\ - let well alone\ buying and sellingsee also business\ calendar loresee also weather lore\ - no moon, no man\ cautionsee also discretion; risk\ certainty and uncertainty \ changesee also constancy and inconstancy; innovation\ charactersee human nature\ charity \ children\ - no moon, no man\ children and parentssee also family\ - my son is my son till he gets him a wife, but my daughter’s my daughter all the days of her life\ choicessee also decision and indecision\ Christianity \ circumstances \ civilitysee manners; politeness\ cleanliness \ clothingsee dress\ coercionsee free will and compulsion\ coincidence \ common sensesee under discretion; prudence\ companysee associates; friends\ compassionsee pity\ compulsionsee free will and compulsion\ concealment\ - murder will out\ - truth will out\ conductsee also politeness\ confession \ conscience \ consequencessee action and consequence\ constancy and inconstancysee also change\ content and discontent\ - enough is enough\ - let well alone\ co-operationsee also assistance; reciprocity\ corruptionsee bribery and corruption\ couragesee also boldness\ cowardice \ credulitysee trust and scepticism\ cunningsee guile\ curiosity \ dangersee peril\ death \ deceptionsee also guile\ decision and indecisionsee also choices\ deedssee action and inaction; words and deeds\ democracysee equality; rulers and ruled\ desertssee just deserts\ desiresee wanting and having\ despairsee hope and despair\ desperationsee necessity\ destinysee fate and fatalism\ destruction \ dietsee food and drink; health\ difficultiessee misfortune; trouble\ diligence \ disappointment \ discipline \ discretionsee also caution\ dishonestysee under honesty and dishonesty\ dissimilaritysee similarity and dissimilarity\ divisionsee unity and division\ doctors \ dreams \ dress \ drinksee under food and drink\ drunkenness \ eavesdroppers\ - walls have ears\ economy, falsesee meanness\ educationsee learning; nature and nurture\ efficiency and inefficiency\ - time is money\ employers and employees \ endssee beginnings and endings; finality\ enemies \ Englishnesssee national characteristics\ entertainingsee hospitality\ environment \ envysee content and discontent; malice\ equality \ error \ evilsee under good and evil\ example, good and bad \ exceptionsee under rules, general\ excess \ excuses \ exercisesee under health\ expectationsee also disappointment; hope and despair\ expensesee under getting and spending\ experience\ - live and learn\ extravagancesee under getting and spending\ fair dealing \ faith \ faithfulnesssee under constancy and inconstancy\ fame and obscurity \ familiarity \ familysee also children and parents\ - blood will tell\ fashionsee innovation; novelty\ fate and fatalism \ ficklenesssee under constancy and inconstancy\ fictionsee reality and illusion\ fightingsee warfare\ finality \ findssee under gains and losses\ follysee fools; stupidity\ food and drinksee also health; hunger\ foolssee also stupidity\ - fools for luck\ foresight and hindsight \ forgetfulness \ forgiveness\ - to err is human\ fortunesee good fortune; misfortune\ free will and compulsion \ friendssee also associates\ futilitysee also possibility and impossibility\ future\ - never say never\ - time will tell\ gains and lossessee also winners and losers\ - finders keepers\ garden loresee also weather lore\ gentleness\ - easy does it\ gentry \ getting and spendingsee also money; thrift\ giving and receiving \ good and evil \ good fortunesee also blessings\ good things \ governmentsee politics; rulers and ruled\ gratitude and ingratitude \ great and small \ greed \ guilesee also deception\ guiltsee conscience\ gullibilitysee under trust and scepticism\ habit \ happiness \ harmony and disharmony \ haste \ hatredsee malice\ health \ helpsee assistance; reciprocity\ hereditysee family\ hindsightsee under foresight and hindsight\ hints \ historysee also past\ holidayssee recreation\ home \ honesty and dishonesty \ honour \ hope and despairsee also disappointment; optimism\ horse lore \ hospitality \ housessee home\ human naturesee also nature and nurture\ - extremes meet\ - know thyself\ hungersee also food and drink\ husbandssee wives and husbands\ hypocrisy \ idiosyncrasy\ - tastes differ\ idleness \ ignorance \ illusionsee under reality and illusion\ illustration \ imitation \ impatiencesee patience and impatience\ impossibilitysee possibility and impossibility\ improvement \ inconstancysee under constancy and inconstancy\ indecisionsee decision and indecision\ independence \ industriousnesssee diligence\ ingratitudesee gratitude and ingratitude\ injusticesee justice and injustice\ innovationsee also change; novelty\ intentions \ interferencesee busybodies\ intimacysee familiarity\ just desertssee also retribution; revenge\ - no cure, no pay\ justice and injusticesee also fair dealing; law and lawyers\ - might is right\ justificationsee under excuses\ knowledgesee learning\ lateness \ laughtersee under merriment\ law and lawyers \ lazinesssee idleness\ learning \ lendingsee borrowing and lending\ liessee lying\ life \ loanssee borrowing and lending\ long-windednesssee under brevity and long-windedness\ loserssee under winners and losers\ losssee under gains and losses\ lovesee also marriage\ - love is blind\ love, blighted \ love, prosperous \ luck\ - fools for luck\ - third time lucky\ lying \ malice \ manners \ marriagesee also love; weddings; wives and husbands\ marvels \ masters and servantssee employers and employees\ meanness \ meanssee ways and means\ men and womensee also marriage; wives and husbands\ merriment \ methodssee ways and means\ middle age \ mischiefsee good and evil; wrong-doers\ misfortunesee also trouble\ - accidents will happen\ mistakessee error\ moderation\ - enough is enough\ - less is more\ moneysee also getting and spending; just deserts\ - money is power\ - money talks\ mortality \ murdersee violence\ national characteristics \ Nature \ nature and nurturesee also human nature\ necessitysee also pragmatism\ neighbours \ news \ novelty \ obedience \ obscuritysee fame and obscurity\ observation \ obstinacy \ old age \ omenssee also superstition\ opinions\ - thought is free\ opportunity \ opportunity, missed \ opportunity, taken \ opposites\ - extremes meet\ optimism \ orderliness \ origins \ pastsee also history\ patience and impatience\ - bear and forbear\ - slow but sure\ peace \ peril \ perseverancesee also persistence\ persistencesee also perseverance\ persuasionsee tact\ pity \ politeness \ politics \ possessionssee property\ possibility and impossibility \ poverty \ power\ - divide and rule\ - might is right\ - money is power\ - money talks\ - power corrupts\ pragmatismsee also necessity\ pride \ procrastination \ professionssee trades and skills\ property \ prosperitysee good fortune\ providence \ prudencesee also caution; thrift\ public opinionsee also reputation\ public relations \ punctuality \ quarrelsomeness \ rainsee under weather lore\ reality and illusion \ reciprocity\ - love begets love\ recreation \ regrets \ reputation \ retribution \ revenge\ - revenge is sweet\ rewardssee just deserts; money\ richessee also money\ risksee also caution\ rules, general \ rulers and ruled\ - divide and rule\ rumour \ safetysee security\ seasonssee calendar lore; weather lore\ secrecysee concealment\ security \ self-help \ self-interestsee self-help; self-preservation\ self-preservation \ separationsee absence\ servantssee employers and employees\ silencesee speech and silence\ similarity and dissimilarity\ - like breeds like\ slandersee also malice; rumour\ sleepsee health\ smallnesssee great and small\ society \ soldiers \ speech and silence \ spendingsee getting and spending\ staying powersee perseverance; persistence\ strength and weakness \ stress \ stupidity \ success \ superstitionsee also dreams; omens\ - third time lucky\ tact\ - easy does it\ talkativenesssee speech and silence; words and deeds\ taste\ - tastes differ\ teamworksee co-operation\ theft \ thrift \ tidinesssee orderliness\ time\ - time flies\ - time is money\ - time will tell\ tolerance\ - bear and forbear\ trades and skills \ travel \ troublesee also misfortune\ trust and scepticism \ truthsee also reality and illusion\ - truth will out\ uncertaintysee certainty and uncertainty\ unity and division \ value \ variety \ villainysee wrong-doers\ violence\ - murder will out\ virtue \ wanting and havingsee also greed\ - no pain, no gain\ warfare \ waste \ ways and means\ - easy does it\ - slow but sure\ weaknesssee strength and weakness\ wealthsee riches\ weather loresee also calendar lore\ weddings \ wilfulnesssee obstinacy\ winners and loserssee also gains and losses\ wisdom\ - know thyself\ wishessee under wanting and having\ wives and husbandssee also marriage\ women \ words and deeds\ - talk is cheap\ worksee also diligence; trades and skills\ worrysee stress\ wrong-doerssee also error\ - to err is human\ youth
Proverbs new dictionary.